David LeBauer
| | University of IllinoisDavid LeBauer is a research scientist at the University of Illinois as well as a Fellow with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. His research focuses on the development and management of efficient and sustainable ecosystems through the use of biochemistry and nutrient cycling in agricultural and other managed ecosystems. He has also played a large role in creating software, including Predictive Ecosystem Analyzer and the Biofuel Ecophysiological Traits and Yields database. He will use his expertise to manage TERRA-MEPP’s data and develop the project’s biomass model. David received his bachelor’s degree in biology from Duke University. He went on to earn his master’s degree in agricultural ecology from the University of California, Davis, and his doctorate in earth system science from the University of California, Irvine (UCI). He was also a graduate fellow with Kearney Soil Science Foundation and UCI Department of Earth System Science.